My practice, which is grounded in sculpture, balances contemporary concerns against care for formal and material qualities.
I favour a practice-as-research model, so I try to ensure that my method is public, accessible and open to critique, through regular talks, interviews and presentations. The artworks sit as outcomes of the wider practice, helping the making process to be demystified, social and socially-engaged.
My current research explores the notion of the monumental. Here, this does not mean bigness, nor is it confined to statues and statue-toppling; rather, it is concerned with what is choreographic, architectural, mnemonic and anthropomorphic in and about social contexts.
I begin with recording, through writing and drawing, what I personally find moving - objects, stories, actions and events which move me, and which I feel have a chance to relate. I then re-perform and re-enact them, with objects as composite outcomes, supported by sound, photographic and performance work.
Still, currently, I favour polystyrene, cements, plasters, paints and steel components which I can personally manipulate with ordinary hand-tools.